Guy Fawkes' blog of parliamentary plots, rumours and conspiracy

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Abuse your organ

During our lives the govt steals 43% of our output, but as least we were free when we died. Not anymore.
Some govt stooge wants presume consent for organ donation. Of course we will have an opt out. There will be a govt database for all those who don't want to donate. Fortunately public bodies are infallible, otherwise it would be state sponsored desecration of the dead. [Even Muslim terrorists don't do that.] In short the govt is to take ownership of our bodies upon death [in time they will want it
I knew all along that Socialists wanted to nationalise the means of 
production, but even I didn't think they would go this far.

I'm going to make a stand. I'm going to drink so much my organs will be useless to 
anyone when(if) I die.
Doh! its going to cost me a fortune in tax!

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Its rubbish

I have a weekly recycling collection which is great. I leave my recycling box next to my front door and along they
come and empty it.
One of the few things that the council does that just works.

That was until now. Over the last few weeks they have stopped collecting it. Eventually I have to call the council (and talk to someone). Well to be precise I had to call three times before someone answered. Apparently they have had complaints of binmen trampling on peoples flowers. So under council instructions the binmen can no longer enter front gardens. So all householders have to "put out" there boxes on boundary edge.

I have another solution. Why don't the council tell binmen to stop trampling on the flowers?
Isn't this slightly more convenient than getting the whole borough to change their habits.

During the conversation (with what sounded like an Irish gypsy - who else would employ them) it transpires that I now need two boxes - "What you only have one box. No, you need to put your papers into one and your glass, plastics in another. I'll send out another immediately"). So from something that worked I now have to sort and remember to put TWO boxes out. The binmen now have two boxes to empty rather than one. At least I know not all my council tax is being wasted on chocolate biscuits for the councillors.